История Нью-Йорка

A political history of the state of New York. 1906. Vol.II

AFTER Van Buren’s inauguration as Vice President, he made Washington his permanent residence, and again be– came the President’s chief adviser. His eye was now intently fixed upon the White House, and the long, rapid strides, en– couraged by Jackson, carried him swiftly toward the goal of his ambition. He was surrounded by pow– erful friends. Edward Livingston, the able and accom– plished brother of the Chancellor, still held the office of sec– retary of state; Benjamin F. Butler, his personal friend and former law partner, was attorney-general; Silas Wright, the successor of Marcy, and Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, the elo– quent successor of the amiable Dudley, were in the United States Senate. Among the members of the House, Samuel Beardsley and Churchill C. Cambreling, firm and irrepress– ible, led the Administration’s forces with conspicuous abil– ity.

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