Thinking of celebrating your future?

Thinking of celebrating your future?

The entire AEQUO team Looks forward to
welcoming you to Future Celebration event.
19:00 I Exclusive excursion: view of the Future
Generation Art Prize nominees artworks.
20:30 I Young artists works auction. All money
raised will be donated to charity.
The event will be accompanied musically by DJ
and guests will be treated with culinary pleasures.
Dress code: Cocktail
This is an invitee only event.
RSVP by 10th of December 2014 to
pr@aequo.com.ua orT+38 044 233 65 99
On December 12, 2014
from 19:00 till 23:00
at PinchukArtCentre
1/3-2, «A» Block,
Velyka Vasylkivska / Baseyna str.
Ky iv
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